Monday, October 29, 2012

our own video is coming ~~!!!!

hi guys,

This is our ISYS100 assignment3 here's a link for that video please check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises---this one got 8.8/10 ratings on IMDB. And i ve seen it on imax. this film is definitely hard to review and would most likely need other viewings to fully realise how I feel about this film. Overall I enjoyed it a lot. check the link first and i ll continue my comments
did you watch it ? exciting right>? The Dark Knight Rises is a wonderful film with a good combination of action, romance, and suspense, will definitely keep you entertained. So be sure to stop by a theatre and check it out. You won’t be disappointed!
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Wow Steve!
You've seen a lot of good movies lately! I haven't seen your latest movie and it sure does look interesting! But on another note, TAKEN2 WAS AMAZING and I have to disagree with you there- I thought the plot went nicely with its predecessor, Taken 1, and I loved everything about it! I would definitely give it a 5 out of 5, it blew my mind! I thought the climax was great, it kept everyone in the cinema on the edge of their chairs and it was so intense, it made my heart rush! I thought the graphics and music fit nicely with the suspense evoked by the movie, overall I just loved it! You should all see it, viewers, and tell us what you think of it! Lyyyyn

the expendables 2

The Expendables 2---this one got some great action, also got all the familiar faces and has all the toppings of the blockbuster commercial film, it even got the presence of three bigwigs Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone himself. The team is back in action in this film.While it is great to see all of them come together in fact there are some of the best moments in the film when you actually see those three big wigs on screen together. Its quiet an awesome feeling. The first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes are probably the only big reason i would actually recommend going to see this in a theater but apart from that i am going to have to say that even though the film has a lot of one liners has attempts at comedy, has all the elements that are required in an action film without of course giving us really any substance or meat to sink our teeth into because thats not really what an action blockbuster is all about. I still feel that i cant recommend this one and cant tell you to waste your money and go and watch it in cinemas. I just feel that we have seen all of this before in terms of the plot, the one liners, its all very very tried and familiar. link for the expendables 2 trailer hope you guys enjoy it .
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Frankenweenie 3D ~~

Frankenweenie 3D ---i have to say that i love the original short of Frankenweenie more than the new coming one, The new additional character and references to the original short and other horror films were great. Tim Burton has outdone himself once again. Martin Short and Catherine O'Hara are great in their triple threat of voices, many you can't even recognize as them. Classic actor Martin Landua channeled Vincent Price amazingly as well to play the teacher. I forgot many times that I was watching an animated film because I was having so much fun! I'm excited for what Tim Burton has up his sleeve for the Addam's Family and other projects in the future!!! Highly recommended. Hope you enjoy that. link for frankenweenie 3d trailer.
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Taken 2

hi guys, after the resident evil and loopers, we wanna introudce the third one called Taken 2 which has been directed by Olivier Megaton. the storyline about this movie is that Bryan Mills, the retired CIA agent, stopped at nothing to save his daughter Kim from Albanian kidnappers. The father of one of the kidnappers has sworn revenge and takes Bryan and his wife hostage during their family vacation in Istanbul. Bryan enlists his daughter to help them escape. After watched the movie i have to say i am a big fan of the first taken movie, it not only had professional cinematography but great action, suspense and originality. Now this sequel i am ashamed to say was a money grab by the producers. Now Luc Besson and Robert wrote the original script without being pressured by their superiors to be limited to a marketable plot, unfortunately thats what has happened to Taken 2.The plot follows Liam Neeson after the events of the original and well its the pretty much an identical situation. The climax however is the main issue , it's rushed. It just happens and I was left wondering why it just ended so fast. I cannot say this movie was terrible because it wasn't, it was just a movie that could not even close live up to its predecessor due to lack of depth and originality. Hope my comments could help you on choosing movie preferences. after all, i wanna share a link for Taken 2 trailer~~
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Resident Evil 5 3D~~

Resident Evil 5 3D is gonna to be the second movie that we are going to introduce.
I've been a long time fan of the Resident Evil series even when people criticized them left and right. I thought they were really entertaining, stylish and inventive. Until now. There is no way I can stick up for this movie or any reason I'd even want to. I can't really give you a synopsis cause I'm not even sure what I just watched. All I can say is that it was huge disappointment in every facet possible. Despite the silliness of the previous films they always grounded themselves in some type of realism within the reigns of its premise. This entry doesn't even feel like it's a part of the same franchise. Gone is the fun and it's been replaced with ritzy production values and no discernible storyline. It's a movie based on a video game in which they are actually part of a video game and nothing is really happening. Despite a somewhat promising start with a cool reverse battle sequence, a best of franchise film reel and an inventive and even a little scary trip into suburbia we than move on to the supposed purpose of the film which just doesn't make sense at all. I mean the choices are just astoundingly bad why make the little girl deaf and the film filled with sign language, why set it in this underground facility, why is all of this happening, with this type of technology how does the remaining human population even have a chance, how is Wesker alive and why is he good now? he's not human??? None of these questions will be answered and lets not even discuss the frustratingly awkward scenes like one in which one of the good guys has a double unnecessary death, an uninspired nod towards the Alien franchise and repetitive scenarios that get less effective the more you see them (really the squid face things). Also, the acting has never been good in the Resident Evil series but Milla Jovovich had evoked a cool sense of fierce heroine, this time around she just seems plain bored as do the other actors. Filled with insipid dialogue, questionable plotting,overlong pacing, a weird bad movie from the 90's score, mediocre fight choreography (except for the scene with the chain) and a crapload of wasted potential this movie just feels like a bad dream. Sometimes, when I'm really looking forward to a movie I'll dream about it the night before and it will be horrible well this is what this feels like. Because in no possible way, what I just watched is a resident evil movie. Despite all of my complaining the movie does have some decent scenes the suburbia one I brought up before was kinda neat, another featuring Ada and Alice against 2 ax men and the chain fight in Tokyo. Besides that it's all just a big plodding waste of existential cinematic trash. A brainless, soulless unintentionally funny horror/action/sci fi hybrid that despite a larger budget,returning cast members and more impressive production values feels like an overlong filler episode that leaves me with a big question mark. Why has this happened to my beloved franchise???   here's a link to Resident Evil 5 3d trailer  hope you enjoy it~~~~~~
Done by steve
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